Sunday, April 28, 2013

Basque Fish Stew

Last week we had another of our gorgeous girls dinners and this time it was my turn to host.

I have to admit to mild entertaining anxiety, but I managed to contain it by keeping everything pretty simple.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Post Secret

Image Sourced at Capstone Seminar

This week I went to the Post Secret Event at Hamer Hall.

I love the Post Secret website and I was really looking forward to getting to experience the live version that I have read about at the site.

The evening did not disappoint.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


I love the Spiegeltent.  And if I'm honest, the main reason I booked tickets to see Inside was because of this beautiful venue.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Reverse Racism

So Waleed Aly wrote this great article about passive racism this week.

And it got me thinking, as Waleed Aly often does (curse him).  Because I find racism so abhorrent I am acutely aware of it.  And so when thinking about less obvious examples of racism I wondered whether I might be a reverse racist.